WEBVTT 00:05.050 --> 00:06.939 Hello everyone . I'm Colonel Ryan 00:06.939 --> 00:09.272 Crowley , your 11th Wing and joint base , 00:09.272 --> 00:11.272 Ana Casa Bowling commander and I am 00:11.272 --> 00:13.494 Chief master Sergeant Clifford Lawton , 00:13.494 --> 00:15.661 your 11th wing command chief and joint 00:15.661 --> 00:17.494 base , Anna Cassia Boen , senior 00:17.494 --> 00:19.439 enlisted leader . Since I've taken 00:19.439 --> 00:21.661 command in July , we've put in a lot of 00:21.661 --> 00:23.883 work behind the scenes to keep J Bab on 00:23.883 --> 00:26.106 a successful path . Our mission remains 00:26.106 --> 00:28.217 unchanged and is as important as ever 00:28.217 --> 00:30.328 to deliver worldwide . Premier Simona 00:30.328 --> 00:32.494 honors mission support and contingency 00:32.494 --> 00:34.661 operations from our nation's capital . 00:34.661 --> 00:36.550 We've revamped our vision and our 00:36.550 --> 00:38.439 priorities to help us execute our 00:38.439 --> 00:40.550 important mission . Our new vision is 00:40.550 --> 00:42.217 advancing power projection by 00:42.217 --> 00:44.383 delivering excellence anytime anywhere 00:44.383 --> 00:46.328 and it is made possible by placing 00:46.328 --> 00:48.494 emphasis on our new priorities . First 00:48.494 --> 00:50.729 mission JB are all to guarantee we 00:50.740 --> 00:53.009 operate at our best . Everyone who 00:53.020 --> 00:55.229 works on JV serves a critical role in 00:55.240 --> 00:57.580 helping us achieve mission success . 00:57.610 --> 00:59.970 People cultivating an environment where 00:59.979 --> 01:01.979 everyone can thrive by prioritizing 01:01.979 --> 01:04.146 your needs and development will enable 01:04.146 --> 01:06.423 success for both you and your families , 01:06.423 --> 01:08.959 installation , modernizing , supporting 01:08.970 --> 01:11.449 and defending J Bab helps us accomplish 01:11.459 --> 01:13.699 our mission and improve quality of life 01:13.709 --> 01:15.819 and finally community , fostering a 01:15.830 --> 01:17.886 connected community and building and 01:17.886 --> 01:19.886 doing partnerships on and off J bab 01:19.886 --> 01:22.108 strengthens the trust and relationships 01:22.108 --> 01:23.886 we have with you and all of our 01:23.886 --> 01:25.941 stakeholders . We are proud to serve 01:25.941 --> 01:27.997 you as your command team and we look 01:27.997 --> 01:30.163 forward to working on these priorities 01:30.163 --> 01:32.330 together with you . We're proud to be 01:32.339 --> 01:33.360 the fly and B .