Inclement Weather Information

Inclement Weather Information

Mission-essential reporting, delayed reporting and early release

Base officials have three options when winter weather makes driving conditions hazardous for Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling drivers: mission-essential reporting, delayed reporting and early release. JBAB largely follows Office of Personnel Management guidance for federal employees in the National Capital Region. If an official call for weather reporting has not been announced, individuals should practice risk management to assess their commute and discuss options for reporting and/or telework with their supervisor or chain of command. 

You can find JBAB-specific information below.

Mission-essential reporting: Only mission-essential personnel, as determined by unit commanders and supervisors, are required to report to duty. Unit commanders must specifically identify who they determine as mission essential in advance. If you have not been told, ask your supervisor.

Delayed reporting: All members report for duty while exercising caution and arriving as soon as conditions permit. Expected reporting time will be specified on a case-by-case basis. Visit the base Facebook page or USAF Connect app for reporting times.

Early release: Unit commanders are responsible for managing early release within their organizations when the installation commander initiates this action. The goal is to stagger departure times to alleviate congestion and to allow those who live farthest from the base to leave first.

These options provide the flexibility to balance safety and mission needs against weather situations. When conditions at home are severe enough to warrant changes to normal reporting times and no option has been directed, personnel must coordinate with their supervisors and unit commanders to modify arrival times and work schedules.

When the commander initiates any of these actions, the command post and public affairs office disseminate information via AtHoc, USAF Connect app and JBAB Facebook page with the latest reporting instructions. JBAB personnel can expect to receive the information as early as possible, but decisions will normally be made by 5 a.m.

JBAB Services

Joint Visitor Center & Gate Operations

The 11th Security Security Force Squadron will generally follow the below, but there may be circumstances requiring the Joint Visitor Center (JVC) to remain open for mission-essential requirements.

Delayed Reporting/Early Release: The JVC will open at the same time recommended for delayed reporting and will close at the same time recommended for early release. The South Gate will open at its regularly scheduled time for traffic and deliveries on Entry Authorization Lists (EAL) or with a pass. Arnold Gate will provide passes until the JVC opens, if required. 

Closed/Mission Essential Only: The JVC will close when the base is closed and follows OPM guidance. The South Gate will remain open.  Commercial traffic that does not have a DBIDS pass ahead of time or are on an EAL will not be granted access outside of extenuating circumstances.  Base passes for visitors with a sponsor can still be obtained through the Arnold Gate.

11th Force Support Squadron Facilities & Services
Furnari Dining Hall and Lodging –  Generally no change in operating hours. Any exceptions to this will be communicated as the decision is made.
Fitness Centers – Will open at the delayed reporting time/close at the early release time. Closed when the base is closed.
CDCs – The 11th FSS and CDC team will coordinate with parents on specific opening and closing times during inclement weather activities.
Bowling Alley – Will open at the delayed reporting time/close at the early release time. Closed when the base is closed.
Club – Will open at the delayed reporting time/close at the early release time. Closed when the base is closed.
Other Services
Contracting – Will open at the delayed reporting time/close at the early release time. Customer service closed when base is closed.
Finance – Will open at the delayed reporting time/close at the early release time. Customer service closed when base is closed.

JBAB road condition advisories

Green: This condition describes the normal day-to-day travel condition. Normal installation speed limits and traffic rules are in effect.

Amber: This condition describes a degraded environment when cautious travel conditions exist. The maximum speed limit for all motor vehicles is 10 mph below the posted speed limit. The speed limit for parking areas is 5 mph. The vehicle will be operated in such a manner that ensures complete control of the vehicle at all times. Vehicle operators are cautioned to remain a safe distance away from snow removal equipment, with the understanding that the snow removal equipment operator may be operating at an increased rate of speed and with visibility limitations.

Red: This condition describes a degraded environment when hazardous travel conditions exist. The maximum speed limit for all motor vehicles is 10 mph on general roadways, and 5 mph in military family housing areas and parking areas.

Black: This condition is the same as "road closed" for all non-mission essential personnel. Motorists should not travel due to hazardous conditions which may make it unsafe. Travel is restricted to essential travel only (i.e. military personnel who have not been instructed to remain away from duty, family members traveling to and from their place of employment, etc.). Persons found to be in violation of this traffic instruction (i.e. recreational driving, nonemergency visitation, etc.) are subject to being cited in accordance with this traffic code, and to points being assessed on their driving record accordingly. 
Road conditions will be posted at all gates, outside of base housing and will be displayed on the JBAB website.
TCCOR Levels and Hurricane Preparedness

Tropical Cyclone Conditions of Readiness (TCCOR)

Tropical Cyclone Conditions of Readiness (TCCOR) are the Navy's guidelines for estimating how long a region has and the actions necessary before it will be hit by destructive winds. Destructive winds are defined as winds of 58 mph or greater.

At each TCCOR level, installations and tenant commands have set actions or checklists to complete prior to the storms arrival. Essential supplies can quickly sell out when a major storm is forecasted to hit the region, so it is vital for personnel to prepare for damaging storms before they establish themselves in the news cycle. Here are the five levels:

Here is a brief description of each TCCOR (1 through 4).


Indicates that we are in hurricane season. From June 1 to November 30, all vulnerable installations should maintain at a minimum TCCOR 5 level of readiness. This is not the absence of threat; it just indicates that any storm/hurricane is greater than 72 hours away.


Lowest stage. Indicates that a possible threat of destructive winds are indicated within 72 hours.


Destructive Winds are possible within 48 hours.


Destructive winds are anticipated within 24 hours.


Destructive winds are anticipated within 12 hours.

What does that mean for you and your family?
When you hear that TCCOR 4 is set, you should evaluate your preparation. If you do not already have enough food and water set aside for a day or two, take care of it. Do not hoard, but anticipate what you need.

  • TCCOR 3 means we are getting closer to storm time. What do you have outside that needs to be put away (bikes, grills, toys, etc.)? It will blow away or cause damage if not taken care of.
  • TCCOR 2 means only essential personnel should be moving around base. Break out the games for the kids, stock up on some movies, and make some popcorn. You should have already bought what you need from the NEX and Commissary during TCCOR 4!
  • TCCOR 1: The storm is here! Do not go outside! This is NOT a time for cool YouTube videos. All those things that people did not fasten down in TCCOR 4 are now flying around. Wait it out.
  • ALL CLEAR: Wait for the all Clear before you go outside. Emergency personnel need to make sure everything is safe before you wander out so no one is injured from debris and any fallen power lines, trees, etc.

Preparing for a Hurricane

Hurricanes are massive storm systems that form over warm ocean waters and move toward land. The Atlantic hurricane season runs June 1 to November 30. The Pacific hurricane season runs May 15 to November 30.

Threats from hurricanes include powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, tornadoes, and landslides.

JBAB residents, employees and community members are encouraged to stay up to date with the latest weather related information by visiting

You can find great tips from FEMA on how to keep your property and family safe during a hurricane at

Graphic from Federal Emergency Management Agency website, viewed on 5 Aug 2020.

Helpful Downloads
Be Prepared for a Hurricane Information Sheet (2020)

How to Prepare for a Hurricane (eBook)

Leadership Corner
Key Resources